Ice Luges

Ice Luges
Ice Luge - An ice luge makes a martini bar more fun! This piece of art is perfect for a small intimate gathering. Everyone enjoys a good party, but they'll enjoy it even more with an ice luge to pour your favorite liquor through. We can provide any design, shape, and image you desire.

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College Grad Double Luge

College Grad Double Luge2 Channel for luge Size: 34" high X 20" wideOptional: Specific Time..


Holiday Special Double Luge

Holiday Special Double Luge2 Channel for luge Size: 34" high X 20" wideOptional: Specific T..


Holiday X-Cross Double Luge

Holiday X-Cross Double Luge1 Channel each side Size: 34" high X 20" wideOptional: Specific ..


Leprechaun Ice Luge//Sculpture

Leprechaun Ice Luge//Sculpture2D Holidays Theme (1 Block)Size: 40"H X 20"W Optional:&nbs..


Standard Double Luge

Standard Double LugeSide Bottle HolderSize: 34" high X 20" wideOptional: Customized 2 Sides Engrav..


Sweet 16 Ice Sculpture

Sweet 16 Ice SculptureIdeal for Buffet Centerpiece  Size: 40" high X 20" wideOptional:L..


X-Cross Double Luge

X-Cross Double Luge1 Channel each side Size: 34" high X 20" wideOptional: Specific Time Del..

$165.00 $145.00

Any Number Ice Sculpture or Luge

 Any # or Letter Ice Sculpture or LugeIdeal for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduation Partie..


75 Birthday Ice Sculpture

75 Birthday Ice Sculpture Ideal for Buffet Centerpiece  Size: 40" high X 20" wideOption..


American Flag Ice Sculpture

American Flag Ice SculptureHoliday or Corporate Event Size: 40" high X 36" wideOptional: Bo..


Animal Sculpture

Animal SculptureSize: 40" high X 20" wide or 36" high X 36" wideAny animal sculptureOptional..


Any Flag Ice Sculpture

Any Flag Ice SculptureHoliday or Corporate Event Size: 40" high X 36" wideOptional: Bottom ..


Bottle Holder Ice Sculpture

Bottle Holder Ice SculptureSize: 40"H X 40"W or 36"W X 36"H Optional: ..


Character Logo Ice Sculpture

Character Logo Ice  SculptureSize: 20"Wide X 40"High X 10" Deep        &nbs..


Chinese Symbol/Calligraphy Ice Sculpture or Luge

Chinese Symbol/Calligraphy Ice Sculpture or LugeWedding or Engagement Theme Ice Sculpture Size:..
